Category Archives: Sound Insulation Testing

Sound Insulation Testing Ireland

AACI -Sound Insulation Test Scheme

AACI-SITS: Association of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland- Sound Insulation Testing Scheme

As a follow on to the formation of the ACASITI, the Association of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland has put in place a formal industry led sound insulation testing scheme for its members. The scheme is restricted to noise consultants who hold formal qualifications in acoustics, are full members of the Institute of Acoustics, who have been verified by a third party and who can provide engineers, architects, contractors and building designers with acoustic consultancy design advice.

The AACI-SITS (Sound Insulation Testing Scheme) provides the highest standard of sound insulation testing and acoustic design advice in the Republic of Ireland.

While TGD-E 2014 is clear on the requirements in relation to tester competency, it does not specify the certification body for those who wish to undertake sound insulation testing.

In order to fully comply with the intention of the TGD-E 2014 guidance, AACI-SITS have undertaken training for members in sound insulation testing with specific emphasis on the methodology outlined in TGD-E 2014.  This fully complies with both the letter and the spirit of TGD-E 2014 with regard to the educational, training and experience requirements.

It is noted that all members are full members of the Institute of Acoustics and are bound to the codes of conduct with regard to professional competence and integrity where it states that members shall avoid undertaking work which is beyond their capabilities.

All members of the AACI-SITS upgrade their professional knowledge and maintain adequate awareness of technological developments, procedures, standards, laws and statutory regulations which are relevant to their field either by involvement in the Institute’s Continuing Professional Development Scheme or by any other appropriate means.

The person (or persons) responsible for technical aspects of sound testing must comply with the definition of a ‘competent person’. All competent persons must possess a combination of technical knowledge, experience and skills, and must be able to demonstrate, as a minimum:
An in-depth comprehension and experience of the relevant acoustical standards such as:

  • EN ISO 16283-1 :2014  Field measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements — Part 1: Airborne sound insulation.
  • EN ISO 16283-2 :2015  Field Measurement of Impact Sound Insulation of Floors — Part 2:  Impact sound insulation.

Such competent persons need to demonstrate both practical and theoretical competence and should participate in relevant continual professional development. Competence may be demonstrated through reference to an appropriate qualification and/or professional membership of a recognised acoustic organisation, or other similar 3rd. party recognised accreditation scheme with specialist skills in sound testing.
Competent Members of the AACI-SITS


Useful guidance on laminated and wooden flooring.



Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: A review of UK Flatted Dwellings and Building Regulations
Chapter 3: The Mechanism Of Impact Noise with Hard Floor Surfaces
Chapter 4: Current UK Legislation And Case Law
Chapter 5: Survey of Extent of Problem And Use Of Tenancy Agreements
Chapter 6: A Market Review: Laminate And Wooden Floors
Chapter 7: Impact Sound Insulation Performance of Floor Finishes
Chapter 8: Mitigation and Management of Impact Sound
Chapter 9: Project Recommendations
Appendix A Guide 1. ‘Guide for the control of sound from laminated and
wooden flooring surfaces’
Appendix B Guide 2. ‘Noise associated with laminate and wood flooring’

Appendix C Stakeholder Survey
House builder Survey
Appendix D CIEH Noise Complaint Categories


To read a copy of DEFRA report, click here.

Government claims it has cut apartment build costs by 15%

Minister for Finance Paschal Donohoe with Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy at St Mary’s flats complex in Dublin 1. File photograph: Cyril Byrne

The cost of building apartments has dropped by as much as 15 per cent because of recent changes to construction regulations, the Government has claimed.

Minister for Housing Eoghan Murphy claims that policy changes he introduced to minimum apartment standards have led to a significant drop in the cost to builders.

The amendments to the regulations included reducing the number of lifts and car parking spaces needed in apartment blocks, as well as changing rules that ensured apartments were dual aspect.

Mr Murphy released three related internal reports on the issue last night. The first report, conducted early last year, found that it was “extremely challenging” for builders to construct apartments in urban centres in particular. Suburban housing developments were found to be “marginally viable”.

The calculations were based on houses and apartments priced on an “affordability range” of between €240,000 and €320,000.

This, the report carried out by the Department of Housing argued, was due a number of factors, such as the number of car parking spaces needed.

The report says six-storey buildings are “optimal” from a cost point of view because higher buildings would come with greater structural and fire and safety requirements.

Recreation space

The report supports the need for a higher number of one- and two-bed apartments in developments. However, the need for recreation space above 10 per cent of the total site in suburban estates is questioned.

The cost of building report also deals with a number of mooted policy changes, such as a reduction in the level of VAT for construction. This is rejected because it will “likely only result in further increases in land prices”.

A follow on report – albeit much shorter in its analysis and conclusions – assessed the impact of the subsequent changes to the building regulations.

It based its assessments on the cost of a six-storey apartment in Dublin 8. A new layout was designed in line with new regulations, including smaller apartments. It led to an increased number of apartments – from a theoretical 252 to 285 – in the block when compared with older rules.

Two major factors

“In terms of the construction cost comparison exercise, the two major factors considered were a more efficient layout and the design flexibility around car parking provision,” it says.

This led to an overall cost reduction of 13-15 per cent, which it says “translates to a construction cost saving per unit” of between 23 per cent and 25 per cent.

An other report released by Mr Murphy last night states that construction costs in Ireland are broadly in line with those in the UK, Germany, the Netherlands and France.

“However, in the Netherlands, costs are of the order of 18 per cent less than in Ireland and are also notably lower than in the UK, Germany and France,” it says.

“The information we have obtained from the Netherlands suggests that there are a number of factors which may play a part in achieving lower residential construction costs including the types of houses and apartments built; the level of control and intervention by municipalities; and the high proportion of residential developments undertaken by housing associations.”


Source: Irish Times