School Acoustics

Sound Insulation Testing Ireland www

The Irish Department of Education guides school acoustics which sets out guidance on acoustic conditions in schools. To assess either an existing or proposed school, we lean on guidance provided in the Department of Educations Technical Guidance Document,  SDG 02-05-03,  titled ‘Acoustic Performance in New Primary & Post Primary School Buildings’.

While the Irish Department of Educations specifications had many similarities to the guidance provided in Building Bulletin 93 (BB93), which UK government departments first issued in 2003, BB93 then went through an update in 2014; however, it did not contain design guidance. Design guidance has since been provided in a publication dated Nov 2015 titled ‘Acoustics of Schools: a design guide’, which can be downloaded here.

Sports Hall Reveberation

We understand that the purpose of SDG 02-05-03 is to set out acoustic requirements to assist in the construction of schools that will:

(a) facilitate clear communication of speech between teacher and student and between students,


(b) do not interfere with study activities.

We can assist with the achievement of such standards.

To download a copy of SDG 02-05-03,  titled ‘Acoustic Performance in New Primary & Post Primary School Buildings’, please click on the link below or the download button below.

Click to access 63634fbb-cfe1-48d3-82af-52bcf287d78b.pdf